Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Things that are Worth the Money

Happy PI Day!

There infinite lists of things that are worth and not worth the money. Here are two of each that I thought about for the past week:

Yes, Worth it
1. Polarized Sunglasses
I work in the health care industry, and I've seen firsthand what the difference polarized sunglasses (vs. regular uva/b protecting sunglasses) can do in the longterm. Now I don't care for brand name sunglasses, but the sturdy polarized lens are still around $100. For the health of my eyes, I feel that it's a great investment. Plus, I got mine from Warby Parker :)

2. Electric Toothbrush
Dental health is also important. Even if you're feeling lazy you can't NOT make your pearly whites shiny with an electric toothbrush. You just hold it there..

No, Pass!
1. Single-cup Coffee Machines
I'm a hypocrite. I have one. But I didn't pay for it (it was won in a company auction). Neither do I pay for the single-cup coffees (Christmas presents!). Ok fine, we have a reusable filter that I bought for $17. Really though, a regular coffee maker or a french press is more than enough.

2. Really fancy pens
Yah, unless you're planning to have an autograph from the President. Even then, I don't think the pen is worth it. Yea they look pretty but, have you seen the prices on some of these? Do you know something I don't?


  1. Yes yes yes and yes! I love polarized sunglasses, and I really need an electric toothbrush.

    Secondly we have a Keurig at work and I much prefer regular coffee makers. I feel like we waste too much cups/coffee with that thing. And electricity. So stupid!

    I actually have a penchant for nice pens but I can live without them...fancy pencils on the otherhand are my thing. I need them for studying!

  2. I looooove feeling a heavy, fancy pen in my hand. But, I suppose they are not a need. I can do just fine with a cheapy pen too, as long as it has the right tip!

  3. wait, what are the effects?

    I love my electric toothbrush!!!

    1. polarized sunglasses help prevent cataracts and eyelid cancers. I know that's a far-away thought but it's never too early to be safe! I'm one of those who like to buy anti-wrinkle creams too though, so heh :)
