Monday, March 12, 2012

This Past Week

March 4-10th

Boba: $15
Eating Out: $38
Groceries: $3
More MCAT books: $55
Gas: $44 (for 3/4 of a tank)

Yikes! I had a lot of boba this week. I visited home this past weekend, and they opened a place that has expensive and fancy drinks, and I treated my brother to one. I usually don't care for fancy places, but I don't get to see him often. I also only have $5 for boba left in my budget for the rest of the month. Wah!
Another thing is that I need to grocery shop and cook in more. I ate out a lot this past week since I've been having late shifts at work and when I get home it's almost time for bed. I'm a little bummed because a good chunk of the eating out money was spent on sushi that was not worth the price! I should do batch-cooking! That's the smart thing to do right? How long does frozen spaghetti last? or fried rice? (My 'specialty').

On a more positive note I'm very motivated to study now that I devised a new study plan. Instead of doing a day-to-day checklist (too stressful), I do a weekly checklist on what I should do. I have a weekly check list for 10 weeks now and I'm feeling good about staying on track. Lists= good thing! And when I cross a task off- oh the joy!


  1. I'm a huge fan of lists!! A hint you might like: if you have numbered your list, once you cross off item #1, make the second thing your new #1 instead of thinking of it as still a #2 of importance. That thing is now your #1 priority. This helps, especially when you get further down the list to things that you can easily brush off as unimportant.

    1. I don't usually number my lists (instead there's a little indentation so I can put a checkmark next to it), so I'll try this out. Thanks!

  2. I loooove batch cooking! I usually make enough for 1 week, then keep it in the refrigerator, so I don't know anything about freezing.

    1. I doubt any food will last more than a week in my fridge (boyfriend with black hole for stomach) so I haven't any clues about freezing either =P

  3. Batch cooking is cheap and easy. I usually make a meatless meal if I want to save money and stretch it over a period of a few days!

    1. Good idea! Meat can always be added in later. Thanks!

  4. I was browsing PF blogs and saw this title on "From Shopping to Saving" and knew I had to click over. I love boba, too! My current favorite is rose milk tea. I have lots of friends studying for the MCAT/LSAT/PCAT/DAT/etc. right now and I've seen how stressful it can be. Your way of studying sounds great and I wish you the best of luck! And may your boba always be chewy and never gummy (:

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I love rose milk tea too but nowadays I just stick to yogurt green tea.
