Saturday, March 17, 2012

Links Again!

There's so many interesting things on the 'net, dudes!

1. Case of the Martini (Wise Bread)
I love martinis and I love instant gratification. Sigh.

2. Birth Order and Finances (Bankrate)
According to this article, as the firstborn, I'm punctual and unrealistic (in terms of goal setting). I do like to pay bills on time and dream BIG, but doesn't everybody?

3. Go-to-hell Money (My year without wasting money)
Hm, so that's what it's called? I can't wait til I reach my goal and I can finally quit!

4. 100 Foods Dr. Oz Wants in Your Shopping Cart (Doctor Oz, duh)
If only I had a stocked pantry/fridge like this. Drooll...

5. Freezer-Friendly Breakfast Burritos (Money Saving Mom)
Speaking of food, I'm looking forward to doing this sometime soon! I think it'd be a good lunch for me too.


  1. I love that birthrate article. I think I'm going to post about it on my blog. Thanks!

    1. It's a good one, huh? WLGYL did a great article on it too if you want to check it out! =)

      Her link:
