Saturday, March 31, 2012

Monthly Check-Up and April Goals

It's the last day of March! Let's see how I did for this month..

1. Study everyday for the MCAT.
Fail. I studied most weekdays, but Fridays and Saturdays are my weak spot.

2. Save up at least $500 for emergency fund.
Pass! I saved up $500 and another $500 from my tax refund =)

3. Use apartment amenities.
Nope. Not even a little bit.

4. Stay within budget for eating out.
Fail. I went over my budget of $150 by twenty dollars. If this keeps up I might have to rearrange my budget a little. I really don't want to, so I'll give myself another chance in April for this amount.

5. See where blogging takes me.
So far, so good! I'm getting to know a few people, but I'm not putting a lot of effort into blogging yet. First month is going good and I hope to keep this bicycle rolling!

For April, I have some of the old goals, and some new ones as well! Goal-setting is definitely more fun than goal-keeping.

1. Drive slower.
Most of my driving takes place on the high-way or free-way, and usually when there is no traffic. Instead of going with the flow of fast traffic, I'm going to pace my speed and keep it to the limit (and out of the way of other drivers). This will help with mileage and also, I'm usually not in a rush, so why go Speedy mcSpeederson?

2. Put $300 away for emergency fund.
I'm getting less hours at work now (so I can study more), so saving $300 would be really awesome.

3. Stay on top of my study schedule.
Also one I need to do.

4. Call up an old friend I haven't talked to for awhile, and catch up.
I haven't been very social lately, and it's easy to get stuck with one circle of friends. I've lost touch with a lot of people I was close to, and I need to be more reachable. Plus, it'd be nice to get a break from books and from the apartment.

5. Start looking for an apartment to move into.
Not that our place is bad, but our lease is expiring in a few months, and I'd like to move somewhere where 1. Rent is cheaper, and 2. The car won't be broken into (it wasn't a big deal, but the landlord wasn't very helpful in the situation).

I hope everyone had a great March. I spring cleaned (wanted to say sprung cleaned?) today, and it feels great! The place has a lovely bleach and chemical aroma though but that's okay. All being said though, I'm ready for a new month!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Someone Else's Dollar

Like most people this past weekend, I went to go watch the Hunger Games. Luckily I did not have to wait in line for good seats. But we did buy a large drink and a $4 BOX OF CANDY (why, conglomerate why!), and a few minutes before the movie started I rushed to the restroom to drain my bladder.

After bursting into the stall in the ladies' room I saw something every frugal person would love to see:

There was one very crisp dollar bill on top of the toilet-paper-roll-plastic-container (someone please give this thing a name!). It was sleeping peacefully, laid out neatly, with nil a crease nor fold on the corner. As if some old lady gently laid it out there, as if it were delicate laundry to dry.

I thought, should I take the money? I was tempted. I looked at it. I touched it. I flipped it over, and flipped it back. I looked around to see if there were cameras. Hey, I've read a lot about social experiments.

Then I thought, well this ISN'T lost money. Lost money is a crumpled folded up dollar or coins in an empty street. Lost money is the lint-ridden bill in the corner of the public laundry machine.

No, someone deliberately put the dollar bill on this shelf, if not only laid to wait patiently.

..So I left it alone. It was only a dollar, after all. Someone else can have the karma of smuggling it in their wallet.

Lo and behold, once I exited the stall, there was a little girl, doe-eyed, waiting impatiently in front of my stall. She's not even looking at me, but eyeing the insides of the stall. As my last foot exits the barrier of the stall, she rushes in, grabs the dollar, and walks out.

Wow, I thought. I almost took this girl's money! The little angel on my shoulder patted me on the back. Of course, I'm assuming it's the girl's money.

It begs to ask when "lost" money becomes your money. When is it okay to keep it for yourself? Is it ever? Is there a limit to how much "found" money is okay to keep? Would you have picked up the dollar

Weekly Check-Up

 (New Girl!)

I managed to have a few "no-spend" days this week but when I did spend, boy did everything add up!
Gas: $63
Eating Out: $29
Hunger Games: $15
Boba: $3

I actually have free movie passes (from Christmas), but I don't go to theatres except once in a blue moon. Of course, when I actually decided to go for the Hunger Games, I went to the wrong theatre and couldn't redeem the tickets! Oh well. The next big blockbuster I want to watch is the Avengers =) So that should be a really nice treat.

The eating out portion for this week is slightly less than the other weeks, but honestly I expected it to be very very low since we cooked all five weekdays! It's really interesting to see the fluctuations from week to week.

I also went over my boba budget =( Oops.

Anyway, it's the last week of March already! My little bloggy blog will almost be one-month old. I'm glad I'm paying more attention now to my finances and that I got to know a few of you pf bloggers. I can't wait until I'm done with the MCAT so I can put more dedication towards this blog.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Weekly Links

Just a few sites I found interesting this past week. I haven't been on task with all the plethora of blogs out there, but there are some great reads!

1. What Do I Need to Do After Losing My Wallet? (LifeHacker)
This is one of my fears, and I've never lost my wallet or had it stolen from me. If someday I were to lose it, I would go beserk!

2. So Why Aren't You Saving Money? (The Frugal Toad)
This a nice reminder. So many have the mindset of, "I'll always have time to save later."

3. You're on my List, Damn it! (The Problem with Young People Today Is...)
I love lists. I have several of these lists too, including words I will look up later on.

4. DIY Bracelets (The Good Stuff)
I found this on pinterest I think. The bracelet looks very easy to make and looks so good next to the michael kors watch. Now I just need a diy gold watch :)

5. Budgeting and Savings Rules of Thumb (Little House on the Valley)
The 50/30/20 "rule" was what got me into budgeting, but now there's no percentages set in stone. I'm more of a save-whatever-i-can person. There's just so many ways to save, and no one person is the same!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Money and Boba: About Me

I haven't done an "About me" post yet, and I've yet to figure out how to add pages on blogs and such so I'll start here.

I'm 22 years young, and am living life in the limbo after graduation and the cusp of adulthood. I work in a "dead end" job that's mostly office work, and my hours are very flexible since the company is privately owned. I deal with medical cases at work so it's not a dud in that aspect at least. I get to practice in my career and gain experience that way. I love my co-workers and I'm at a place where I'm respected at work and I am now someone people rely on for questions, etc. I don't necessarily love my job because it can be high-stress sometimes, but I don't hate it. The pay can always be better (I think i'll be saying this forever and ever).

I love to budget. Love. You know how an ant will carry a big lump of sugar twice its size? Yea that's me with budgets. I will carry.. budgets.. that are twice my size. Not a great metaphor but what I'm saying is that I'm willing to tackle it even thought I don't *know* everything about finances. Hope you get ma drift.

But really, here's a few more blurbs that don't define me, but pertains to my budget:
- I live with my boyfriend and we split our budgets 50%, down to the dollar.
- I pay the bills. But I can talk to him openly about anything that seems off.
- My main liabilities are rent and my student loan.
- My parents take care of my car (payments and insurance), and phone. Not because I asked them to, but because they've determined to take over this for me. I love my 'rents.
- Having a large emergency fund is important to me. I need the security, and the control (over my money).
- I am a big homebody. Going out can be great, but I absolutely adore having inside parties. Movie nights, "wine and cheese" potlucks, game nights = indefinite awesome. I also dislike public restrooms, maybe that's why.
- I would very much like a corgi one day.

I started this blog because I love jotting my thoughts down. I'm a big pen and paper advocate because I love the authentic feel of pushing ink on a clean white piece of parchment, but with all this studying I'm not digging these callouses and blisters on my fingers. So typing it is! I also love to read about personal finance on other blogs, so I joined the two together.

Everyday, I get one day older (ha! wise ol' me), and I want to make sure I'm on the right track towards financial maturity. I don't have anyone to "teach" me, and I don't discuss finances with my parents much. So what would any person do this day and age? Go online! So here I am dudes and 'dettes, stay tuned for my adventures with boba and monies.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Student Loan STD

 "I used to love cereal...and now it's all I eat"

A friend sent me this link and it is absolutely Give it a watch.

But it proves a point! Know what you're getting into or you'll be without bed frames and have roommates into your thirties. However, their answer for avoiding said student loan "std"?
"Have rich parents
"Play the lotto
I know it's for comedy, but the video could be more helpful by being more educational and actually provide good solutions. Perhaps that's too much to ask from collegehumor?

My number one tip would be is to educate yourself on student loans. Know the interest rates and all the terms and agreements upon taking out a loan, whether federal or private. Know how much you will owe. Do some calculations. Crunch some numbers. Just KNOW a little more BEFORE blindingly accepting some money. What are your tips? Are you fiscally active?

Weekly Check-Up

Happy Monday!

This Past week, I spent money on
Boba: $3
Groceries: $30
Eating out: $45

Man am I a fatty! This past weekend I hung out with some old friends from high school for St. Patrick's day and that's where all the eating out money went. Ah, the price of friendship (and maintaining them!). I only had one boba drink this week! and now since I don't have much money left for boba I'm going to steep a lot of tea this upcoming week for my fix.
I also went grocery shopping yesterday and stocked up on a lot of goodies, and I did a meal plan! So if all goes according to schedule I won't have to eat out this week at all! 'Cept for Friday.

A couple thoughts..
I love Bruno Mars! His voice is butter. and this song isn't new but it's such a good start to karate chop finances in the butt this week. I love it because he's not talking about being rich. He's talking about being successful.
Also, does anyone else watch the Walking Dead? Did you guys like the finale? I absolutely am tormented waiting for the next season to start. I also really really really want to read the graphic novels now. Just so I can get some hints to what's going to happen.
Lastly, MCAT studying is going great! I've been going at least two hours/day now and my brain feels a teensy bit smarter so that's good right? Getting a few extra guide-books help too, since I haven't taken physics ever, and I'm learning it all on my own before the test (yes, I'm crazy).

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Links Again!

There's so many interesting things on the 'net, dudes!

1. Case of the Martini (Wise Bread)
I love martinis and I love instant gratification. Sigh.

2. Birth Order and Finances (Bankrate)
According to this article, as the firstborn, I'm punctual and unrealistic (in terms of goal setting). I do like to pay bills on time and dream BIG, but doesn't everybody?

3. Go-to-hell Money (My year without wasting money)
Hm, so that's what it's called? I can't wait til I reach my goal and I can finally quit!

4. 100 Foods Dr. Oz Wants in Your Shopping Cart (Doctor Oz, duh)
If only I had a stocked pantry/fridge like this. Drooll...

5. Freezer-Friendly Breakfast Burritos (Money Saving Mom)
Speaking of food, I'm looking forward to doing this sometime soon! I think it'd be a good lunch for me too.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Things that are Worth the Money

Happy PI Day!

There infinite lists of things that are worth and not worth the money. Here are two of each that I thought about for the past week:

Yes, Worth it
1. Polarized Sunglasses
I work in the health care industry, and I've seen firsthand what the difference polarized sunglasses (vs. regular uva/b protecting sunglasses) can do in the longterm. Now I don't care for brand name sunglasses, but the sturdy polarized lens are still around $100. For the health of my eyes, I feel that it's a great investment. Plus, I got mine from Warby Parker :)

2. Electric Toothbrush
Dental health is also important. Even if you're feeling lazy you can't NOT make your pearly whites shiny with an electric toothbrush. You just hold it there..

No, Pass!
1. Single-cup Coffee Machines
I'm a hypocrite. I have one. But I didn't pay for it (it was won in a company auction). Neither do I pay for the single-cup coffees (Christmas presents!). Ok fine, we have a reusable filter that I bought for $17. Really though, a regular coffee maker or a french press is more than enough.

2. Really fancy pens
Yah, unless you're planning to have an autograph from the President. Even then, I don't think the pen is worth it. Yea they look pretty but, have you seen the prices on some of these? Do you know something I don't?

Monday, March 12, 2012

This Past Week

March 4-10th

Boba: $15
Eating Out: $38
Groceries: $3
More MCAT books: $55
Gas: $44 (for 3/4 of a tank)

Yikes! I had a lot of boba this week. I visited home this past weekend, and they opened a place that has expensive and fancy drinks, and I treated my brother to one. I usually don't care for fancy places, but I don't get to see him often. I also only have $5 for boba left in my budget for the rest of the month. Wah!
Another thing is that I need to grocery shop and cook in more. I ate out a lot this past week since I've been having late shifts at work and when I get home it's almost time for bed. I'm a little bummed because a good chunk of the eating out money was spent on sushi that was not worth the price! I should do batch-cooking! That's the smart thing to do right? How long does frozen spaghetti last? or fried rice? (My 'specialty').

On a more positive note I'm very motivated to study now that I devised a new study plan. Instead of doing a day-to-day checklist (too stressful), I do a weekly checklist on what I should do. I have a weekly check list for 10 weeks now and I'm feeling good about staying on track. Lists= good thing! And when I cross a task off- oh the joy!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Best Days for Motivation


The biggest and best-erest days for motivation:
  • January 1st
  • Birthday
The beginning of the year is the optimal time to get things going. There are resolutions to be made and goals to achieve!  I don't necessarily get the most done in the ensuing month of January but I do always feel like it can be done!
Oh, and birthdays. A time to reflect and think about what happened the past year and what I should do to better myself the next year.

Other days:
  • First of the month
  • Start of the week (albeit Sunday or Monday)
These days motivate me to start goals and clear my head. Of course, a clean budget sheet at the beginning of the month feels orgasmic as well.
And these help too:
  • A clean slate
  • A decluttered/clean workspace
  • Coffee
  • Setting a deadline
My optimal workspace would be void of paperwork. A small candle burning nearby, and a big cup of coffee within reach. My planner would be empty (just waiting to be filled), and I have a priority of goals to meet and a set date I have to reach them by.

I wrote this post to motivate myself to go study the MCAT instead of just touching/feeling the book and kicking myself in the head later in the shower for not opening it. Then falling down in the same shower and bruise something and have water and soap spew everywhere. That didn't happen, but it could.

What motivates YOU?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Taxes and Me

This is only my second year filing my taxes. I'm such a baby. Or am I a Big Girl? Hmm..

When I was in college my job was tax-free as I had a work-study award. So, I never worried/knew anything about taxes. All I knew was that I got paid bi-weekly and that was enough for the alcohol/fast food/clothes for the month. It kept me from going into the infamous CC DEBT. Also since I worked for a few years in the same position, I automatically was enrolled in a retirement account. Score! Or so I thought (cue ominous music).

When I graduated I bummed around for six months. I did some volunteer work but that's all that got me productive two days out of the week. When I had to really start paying back my student loans, OUCH. I got the retirement account check for $12 (since I graduated). I had no savings. So I got a business portfolio, printed out several resumes, and went on craigslist.

I took an anatomy class /irrelevant/, and found a part-time job as a receptionist for the last three months of the year. Come March of the next year, I went to my family's accountant to file my taxes for that last three months. They charged me $40 to file, and an extra $20 to file the retirement savings I had "prematurely withdrawn" from college. Ugh. And from federal and state taxes I got a $3 refund. Good? Bad?

The end-all be-all though, was that I got a parking violation that day. Double UGH (kinda sounds inappropriate, ha ha). So I was set back another $60. I was so in the negative that day (literally, too).

This year, I didn't chance it. I researched like hell for a few weeks then filed my own taxes online through H&R Block. $50. I found out I couldn't e-file, so I mailed my returns in two weeks ago. $3. I'm impatiently waiting now for my refund! The "where's my refund" thing on the IRS page takes 4 weeks to update.. I feel so unknown! Especially in this day and age where you can get information pretty much like *snap. Does anyone else even mail in their returns nowadays?

*UPDATE 03/14: I got my refund back! I checked my bank account the other day, and there sat a nice little $688 chunk of change from Uncle Sam. Now waiting for state..

Anyway, apologies for the whole life sob story. For next year, I will go back to my family's accountant to file. I'm thinking of opening a retirement account this year, and invest in some stocks. I think my brain will explode if I try to file. Also, my mom said they gave out free tote bags to everyone.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Financial self-defense

A few days ago I woke up to a fee of $8 from my long-time conglomerate bank. I was saddened, because I could have prevented the fee if I'd just kept a larger buffer to keep the minimum requirement. It was entirely my fault. The thing is, I like to start each month with the same balance on my checking account that is less than the requirement. At the end of the month, any amount over the starting is transferred to an interest-earning savings account. I get full control of my finances this way.
For February, however, I was too rash. I transferred my savings amount a day too early, and when the bank checked on me at 8pm on Feb 29th, they saw that I was few short of the requirement and slapped an $8 fee. While I was sleeping! How dare they?
But you know what I did?
I called them. I asked graciously to see if they could help me out with the fee. Please, please, pretty please? and after a few "Let me see"'s later, the fee was gone. Just like that. A memory of the past.
I felt like such a victor! Hoorah! And if I haven't been educated from reading all these pf blogs for the past few months, I don't even think I would have picked up the phone. I would have just let it slide. In an alternate universe, that fee would still be there. Eight dollars. Not much, but I could buy two boba drinks with it! Think about it.
And yes, now I will keep a larger buffer.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Drinks with a Friend

I'm sure some of you guys have read this before, but it's refreshing and always something to think about: 
A philosophy professor stood before his class with some items on the table in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks, about 2 inches in diameter.
He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.
So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open areas between the rocks.
He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.
The professor picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He then asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous “Yes.”
The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.
“Now,” said the professor, “I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The rocks are the important things – your family, your partner, your health, your children – things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.
The pebbles are the other things that matter – like your job, your house, your car. The sand is everything else. The small stuff.”
“If you put the sand into the jar first,” he continued “there is no room for the pebbles or the rocks. The same goes for your life.
If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take your partner out dancing. There will always be time to go to work, clean the house, give a dinner party and fix the disposal.
Take care of the rocks first – the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.
 One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled ‘I’m glad you asked’.
It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, There’s always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend.'
(Mayonnaise Jar)
For me, it's so easy to get caught up with finances. Debt, loans, budgets, and all these interesting blogs! I could easily spend half a day just reading and budgeting just for the fun of it. However, I still have to keep in mind that money isn't everything. Sure, I have to save up. And yes, I do have to repay the government for giving me four years of college education. And yea, I have to plan what to eat this week so I know what to shop for at the groceries today.
But I have to remember to focus on the basics and just keep life simple sometimes. Sure it'd be nice to be debt free in a year or two if I strive for it aggressively, but I don't want to teeter-totter between the fine line of frugal and cheap. Notably, I'd treat my parents out to dinner a few times a month. I'd go out for boba, or coffee too, with the friend I haven't seen since college. I'd bake some treats for my co-workers, or drive many miles to visit my relatives and siblings.

This is all I have of the present, and when I look back in the future, I want to be able to have great memories to tell to others.

Sunday Links that make me go OoooOo

and aAAaaAAhh. These are posts/sites I've been reading throughout the week that I found interesting. I hope you do too!

1. Worse Money Habit (Step Away from the Mall)
Sooo easy to relate to this!

2. Tax Brackets (Couple Money)
I definitely learned a lot more from reading this post.

3. Pinterest, You are Drunk (Pinterest, You are Drunk)
This is hilarious. I've deleted pinterest as a bookmark a few weeks ago since it's so darn addicting. But this, my friends, is better than pinterest!

4. Is there any real need for swear words? (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
My friend gave up cursing for lent. I'm not one to normally shout LINT LICKER! or any obscenities to anyone myself, so I've always been curious why people swear A LOT. you know who you are.

5. Emoji Love (Hello Giggles)
I've written an email made of 75% emojis before to my boyfriend. Why is he still with me?

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Lent No-Nos

I'm not Catholic, but I've been practicing Lent since high school. I suppose I just like the challenge it brings. Things I've given up in the past included: fast food, Facebook, coffee, soda, junk food, etc. Who am I kidding, it's mostly food. This year, I'm also giving up a few things. It's been about a week and I'm proud to say I'm on the right track!
For the past few years I've been fasting meat on Ash Wednesday and Fridays since my boyfriend's Catholic. Oh, the things I do for loooOOove.

1. All you can eat meals
This is very easy for me since I'm not a big fan but for my boyfriend, on the other hand, it is extremely difficult. He always wants ayce korean bbq or sushi.

2. One alcoholic drink per week
This is more of a limit than a whole giving-up thing. So that being said I don't really count this either since one drink/week is enough for me.

3. No Junk Food
This is the one. This one right here. Since jet-packing out of my parents' house (kidding, I half-begrudgingly moved for work), I've been eating pretty poorly with my boyfriend. You know the deal. Get home from work pooped as a .. (drawing a blank here) snail (?), there's enough food in the pantry but no fresh veggies. There's too many ingredients to combine for a passable meal and you decide to just pick up some chik-fil-a. Spicy chicken sandwich with pepperjack, please. And yes waffle fries nomm.
Anyway, so far we've been cooking at home everynight and actually grocery shopping on the weekends.

The Meatless Days
For Ash Wednesday I made a meal and held the meat. It was easy. For the first Friday, however, we went to Red Lobster. Now, I've never been but my boyfriend loves the place. We ordered a lot- the lobsterita, appetizers, and two whole entrees. Add the biscuits to that and I had a lot of leftovers, a huge bill, and some food poisoning from undercooked shrimp. It wasn't a great experience, but I had a lot of fun hanging out watching All-Star events and catching up that I don't feel too guilty for spending the moolah. Then again, thank goodness that was in my February budget. It won't happen again in March!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Weekly Check Up

My Pretty Pennies has five questions to summarize the week. I thought this was such a neat way to re-cap the week, and good first start of weekly updates for my blog!

1. The most I've spent this last week was on a Target run for household items like detergent, gum, etc. They didn't seem like much individually but the prices do add up.
2. Today I am thankful that I have a full box of green tea. I can drink this forever.
3. Money can't buy happiness. One free thing I did last week that made me happy was driving around town and walking around malls with my boyfriend just talking and visiting stores.
4. I will consider this week a success if I study a lot more for the mcat. It's really hard for me to open the book, but the first step is always the most challenging one I suppose.
5. The thing I am most excited about spring is warmer feet. Socks and slippers aren't enough for my poor circulation and I'll be glad when I don't have to sit on my feet to keep them warm.

My Debt and Me

I have approximately $20,000 in student loan debt. I also had a $1,500 private loan that I borrowed for one course of summer school and I paid that off with my first few paychecks from my first full-time job. It felt good. It felt great.

However the 20,000 loan hasn't been waivering much. It is a heavy sack on my shoulders. It was originally at $22,000 and I only managed to pay off 2,000 over the past two years. I know I could pay more than the minimum each month, and I have been sporadically doing so (with any extra paychecks or bonuses), but at the same time I'm trying to aggressively save so that I can live on a part-time job. The sole reason is that so I can get into a medical program and further advance my career. Since I don't think having student loans is as bad as having credit card debt (I fortunately have not accrued any), I am for now just paying the minimum on the loan. I know I'm setting it as a lesser priority, and med school as my number one priority. but still! Seeing the number stay about the same from month to month is disheartening.

Hopefully by blogging I will be able to see where my pitfalls in spending are and I will be able to save more. Plus, it's nice to look back and see what I did on a certain day. I've always loved the Money Diaries on Ramit Sethi's site and I wish they'd bring it back! 'Til then I'll just make do with my own money diary :)

March Goals

Hi! I've spent many a-precious hours reading personal finance blogs and it just seems so soul-suckingly fun and I want to join in. It would've been nice to start on the first of January (because I can get o.c.d. like that) but the first of March works just as well. And it's closer to spring. Woohoo!
Since March has a fabulous five fridays this year I'm going to post up five goals for this month:

1. Study everyday for the MCAT
The books are so dense! And I end up pulling out a few chunks of hair at every study session. But no excuses! I've signed up for the test in May and May it is.

2. Save up at least $500 for my emergency fund
Oh bt-dubs that goal is $10,000 and I've $3035. Rearranging the decimals and slashing away those zeroes means I'm at 30%. Go brain! (My goal date is ASAP. This fund will allow me to quit my current job. Uh oh.. quit?! Am I crazy?? More on this later.)

3. Use the apartment gym and amenities at least once a week
I'm paying for them so I'm a knucklehead for not having used them for the past eight months amirite? Let me be more clear- I'm paying for a gym, a pool, a jacuzzi, and a TENNIS COURT, and I haven't used them. It's time to show 'em (apartment gods/gangsters) I will not be ripped off and make my rent its worth! I also live with a boyfriend who I can severely triumph in tennis. I also have racquets and tennis balls. And gym clothes and the enough tennis grunts in me to suffice. Again, no excuses!

4.  Stay in the green (black?) for eating out portion of the budget
I have a boyfriend who likes to come home on a Friday and relax and drink a beer or two. No qualms! I do too. Then it rolls over to Saturday, then maybe Sunday. And there's five sets of these this month! I'm crossing my fingers and tying my intestines (ew) because I'm giving myself $150 this month.

5. See where this blogging takes me (ambiguousness is a big no-no for a goal but WHATEVs)
Blogging seems outer-space cuh-razy. I haven't written complete sentences since I graduated college a whole two years ago, and everyone I've been following on my reader is so eloquent, affluent, and personable in their blogs. They are also successful, and know the jargon for investments, stocks, "adjustment gross income", and whatnot.
Me? Nah, I'm not fancy shmancy. I've barely tiptoed living on my own and away from the 'rents for just about a year and a half now. But I'm learning and I want to journal this journey (can I write that cheesily? Oh well).

Wow. That was a good big breath of personal finance. I have so much more to say/talk/write about. I'm excited!

P.S. Yes I like boba and I make sure I have sufficient amount of monies for this stupid wonderful concoction.