Monday, April 30, 2012

April's Come and Gone!

I've been working, and then skipping to the bookstore or Panera or Sbux last month to cram some physics up in my noggin. Most of the time I probably looked like this

This month should be a little more hectic, unfortunately, as I'm counting down the days til the MCAT. I'm working less hours, thanks to a flexible job, but that also means that I'm getting less monies! And these monthly expenses aren't getting any cheaper. In addition, spending time studying at a place that sells coffee means that I will buy a cup. In addition to that addition, I've been spending money buying practice tests (running $35 a pop) to mimic the real test. There's about 8 total available. I'm not planning to do all of them, but if I'm feeling brave and do, that's $280 out the window.

Man, studying is expensive! Not only is it costing me job hours, I'm spending money on materials for my brain and stomach. I could probably study at home, but I have such a short attention span. The internet is my enemy (pinterest, reader, etc.).

For April, I managed to do MOST of my goals.

1. Drive slower. Hm, I don't think so. I calculated my mpg and for the two fill-ups I did in April I went from 28.8 mpg to 27.6 mpg. Oh well. Honestly, I wasn't very motivated with this.

2. For my emergency fund, I managed to put away $167. I put an extra $50 to my student loan as well. 

3. And I am on top my study schedule! I revised it though, so I gave myself some leeway.

4. I caught up with a friend I haven't kept in touch with for over a year. I went over to her place, and we talked and caught up, and it was nice. I should do this more often!

5. I haven't started looking for an apartment.

Now Hello May! I'm ready to tackle you with vigor! My goals for this month:

1. Blog more, duh! Writing and tracking my thoughts is such a nice release. I need to practice formulating sentences in some sort of coherent order anyway, since I have to write essays in the test.

2. Stay within budget. I spent very little on eating out last month. $109 to be exact, and that's a whoppin' record for me. However, I spent about $20 on coffee, and only $7 on boba. This month, I'm expecting less from my paychecks and hopefully I won't drown in my budget because it will be really tight.

3. Do an oil change.

4. Check my credit report. I love doing this so it should be easy!

5. Contribute $20 to a brand new CORGI FUND! My boyfriend and I have decided to get a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. They are so adorable. However! No purchase will be made until we create a solid budget to account for all regular and irregular expenses, and we KNOW that we will be able to take care and cherish it for its whole life. I always hear stories of people who found out they aren't able to afford or take care of a dog and so they give it away to a shelter. How traumatizing is that to a pet! My roommate from college did this to a two month old puppy. Actually I ended up taking care of that puppy while she was on spring break, and when I was gone for the weekend she gave it away. Anyway, I want to make sure we're well prepared.


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